Empowering Your Financial Future With Cutting-Edge Software Solutions

We are a digital agency that helps brands to achieve their business outcomes. We see technology as a tool to create amazing things

About Us

Our goal is helping you to make more money by your strategy and making you free form constant monitoring of charts to find a trade by authomizing every thing you do.

  • Familier to every popular platforms like ATAS, NinjaTrader, Meta Trader, TradingView and etc.
  • Trusted developer of ATAS (Find Us) and registered developer in NinjaTrader (Find Us).

  • Ability to implement every idea that you have.

You can find many programmers on the web, but there is always the concern of whether they can implement exactly what I mean, whether they know what I want and whether I can trust them. These concerns are exactly the reason for the existence of Metamargin. Our team has experienced technicians who can understand what you want, programmers who are familiar with popular platforms such as ATAS and NinjaTrader and work as trusted developer at them, and have a lot of experience in implementing strategies and indicators.

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Our Experience

Our team has a lot of experience in software development in different fields. But after the project of developing an exchange system for cryptocurrencies, we entered the field of programming in financial fields. In this area, we have done projects such as trading robots based on order flow strategies, a Connector for NinjaTrader to MetaTrader, and automatic indicators and strategies for customers from all over the world.

  • 20 Years experience in programming 

    Our team of experienced programmers has been developing software for over 20 years. We have a proven track record of delivering high-quality desktop, mobile, and web applications that meet the needs of our clients.

  • one of the most frequest services are implementing new indicators and strategies. untill now, we developed more than 1000 indicators and strategies for ATAS, NinjaTrader, MetaTrader and TradingView.

  • Programming is a vast field that involves the use of various programming languages and frameworks to develop software applications, websites, and other digital products. programming with more than 20 different programming languages and frameworks provides developers with a wide range of options to choose from depending on their project needs.


Most frequent servises

We have developed indicators, automated strategies, Addon for many platforms.

ATAS 50%
NinjaTrader 20%
MetaTrader 4/5 20%
Pine Script 5%


Our team is ready to provide services in all kinds of trading platforms and implement all kinds of indicators and automate all kinds of your trading strategies. We are able to automate all the conditions you have in taking a trade. Even if we need to extract the conditions for entering a trade from several different charts and indicators.

Implementing Custom Indicators

If you have a new idea for a new indicator or want to implement an indicator that is in a trading platform to another one

Developing Automated Strategies

If you got tired monitoring charts and need a software to perform your task behind you, we are able to implement such software from 0 to 100

Connecting platforms

If you work in two or more platforms and need a software to connect them togethar.


If you are thinking of an AI system that can predict something in market


If you are an AI expert and need training data with every feature you are thinking about

Payment System

If you need a payment system based on crypto currencies

Smart Contract

If you want to implement a new smart contract

Cross platform application

If you want to have an application that is injected data from some trading platforms or etc

Constant and Continius Support

Every software without support is unusable and meaningless. Financial market are so dynamic and every time might you need some changes and modifications in your system. This is our most proudest and powerfull.


Kavand Farahmand

Technical Team Lead

Technical team lead, Programmer 

Nima Zand 


Trading Strategiest 

Hamideh Babaei


Marketing Officer

Pricing & Plans

Considering our services, we propose 3 types of calloborations, ordering for developing a project, fully and partial monthly engagement in gradual projects.

Ordering a new project

$19per hour

  • Developing 0 to 100
  • Fixing all future bugs for free .
  • Full support forever
  • Future modification with high priority.
Get Started

Developer Plan

$3999per month

  • 8 hours/day exclusive time
  • Developing gradual projects
  • Fixing bugs for free.
  • Support and modification after project.
Get Started

Frequently Asked Questions



180 West Beaver Creek Road, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada, Postal code: L4B 1L1


+1 647 834 5961




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